Vocabulary (Review)

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Xin chào các bạn! Tôi là Linh.
Hello, everyone! This is Linh and welcome back to Vietnamese Top Words.
If we already have 10 Phrases You Always Want to Hear, then today, we'll talk about 10 Phrases You Never Want to Hear. And let's find out what are those phrases.
1. Gần đây bạn tăng cân à? "Have you gained weight recently?"
Ok, let's say if you're talking with someone who's tried so hard to get more fat because they're too thin or too slim, then it's ok, it's a good sign for them. But actually, in any language, you should never say this one to anyone, especially women because they're so sensitive, so don't say
Gần đây bạn tăng cân à?
Gần đây bạn tăng cân à? "Have you gained weight recently?"
2. Bạn có tóc bạc kìa. "You have a gray hair."
If you see gray hair on someone's hair or someone's head, you shouldn't say Bạn có tóc bạc kìa.
Don't say that, because that means they are getting old, and nobody wants to hear that, right? Especially with women, and please don't take it off from their hair because that means you tried to prove it.
Yeah, that's why I recommend you not to say bạn có tóc bạc kìa.
I mean between close friends, it's ok, if they offer you to do that, then it's ok. Between friends, not really close, or someone you just met, then don't say bạn có tóc bạc kìa.
3. Tôi đã bảo rồi mà! "I told you so!"
So when you realized that you were right and someone is wrong, even if you don't mean to blame them, but "Tôi đã bảo rồi mà!" still sounds very serious, and it doesn't solve the problem, but only make it more trouble more seriously, so maybe you can say -
Mọi chuyện đã có thể tốt hơn. "Everything would have been better."
And then you go straight to the problem.
Mọi chuyện đã có thể tốt hơn.
I think it's better but don't ask me, I'm not really good at this.
4. Anh đã bị sa thải! "You're fired!"
Oh my god! This is supposed to be the worse thing to hear, especially when you're working and you had no plans to quit, or you had no plan to stop a job.
I've never been a boss so I don't know how a boss say to everybody when he wants to fire someone, but we hear - Anh đã bị sa thải! It's supposed to be a very bad thing.
5. Vấn đề không phải là ở anh, mà là ở em. "It is not you, it is me."
Actually, when you say this one, it means you want to take responsibility about the problem when you're fighting or when you're arguing. But actually, it means the opposite because it sounds very not real, it sounds very fake, so instead of saying "vấn đề không phải là ở anh, mà là ở em" you should say directly to the problem and just really communicate, don't blame each other, that's better.
6. Cả hai ta nên gặp người khác. "We should see other people."
Or you would hear - Chúng ta nên tìm hiểu người khác. "We should see someone else."
When someone tells you this one, that means they want to stop trying and it sounds really sad, right? But actually instead of saying "cả hai ta nên gặp người khác", why don't you say -
Chúng ta nên cho nhau một cơ hội. "We should give each other a chance."
Chúng ta nên cho nhau một cơ hội.
7. Tôi chưa có tiền trả cho bạn vào hôm nay. "I don't have your money today."
Oh my god! When someone borrows your money and they don't give your money back on time, that would be very very bad. But instead of saying "Tôi chưa có tiền trả cho bạn vào hôm nay", why don't you say -
Tôi sẽ trả tiền bạn hôm nay. "I will pay you today."
It's the right thing to do, right?
8. Chúng ta cần nói chuyện. "We need to talk."
Ok, when your partner tells you this one, it means that they want to have a serious conversation with you, but actually, this is a bad way to start a conversation because it sounds really serious. So you better say just directly to the problem.
Anh ơi em nghĩ thế này. Anh ơi em nghĩ thế kia. "Hey babe, I think...bla bla bla"
Something like that, don't just start by "Chúng ta cần nói chuyện."
9. Bạn thật là tồi! "You are so bad!"
Let's say if you are a really bad guy, would you mind if someone comes to you and just say
Bạn thật là tồi! "You are so bad!"
You wouldn't, right?
What I'm trying to say is if someone's done bad things to you, you can't change anything, you can not do anything but to accept and ignore, so why don't you just stay calm and let it go. So that's why you shouldn't say "Bạn thật là tồi!" But you can say, instead, Mọi chuyện đã có thể tốt hơn. "Everything would have been better."
10. Bạn nấu ăn dở tệ. "You cook really bad."
Bạn nấu ăn dở tệ. "You cook really bad" or "you're not a good cook".
If someone spends time to cook for you, even if it's not your taste or it's not really tasty, or you don't like it, you shouldn't say Bạn nấu ăn dở tệ, because it sounds very unrespectful, so you don't have to eat it, or you have the right to just eat a little bit, and maybe you should say -
Lần sau bạn có thể nấu món khác được không? "Can you cook something else next time?"
That's all! We just had 10 Phrases You Never Want to Hear. I hope you enjoyed it and you won't have experience for these kinds of situations. If you have any questions, please let me know, ok? I'm Linh and thank you so much for watching the video.
Xin chào và hẹn gặp lại!

