Vocabulary (Review)

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Hey guys, I am Linh and welcome back. What is the best thing to do with summer? Going to the beach and let’s find out 20 Things You’ll Need for the Beach in Vietnamese.
1. Kính râm “sunglasses”
So Kính râm is one of the most important things to bring to the beach, right. So don’t forget Kính râm.
Anh ấy có một bộ sưu tập kính râm. “He has a collection of sunglasses.”
2. Bãi biển “beach”
Okay, You are going to the beach and you’re supposed to know what is beach in Vietnamese, right?
Bãi biển in a sentence,
Tôi thích đi bộ trên bãi biển. “I like walking on the beach.”
Or you can say,
Tôi thích ngắm hoàng hôn trên bãi biển. “I like watching the sunset on the beach.”
Tôi thích ngắm hoàng hôn trên bãi biển.
So I know the word Bãi biển is a little bit hard for you to pronounce but you better practice so you can improve.
Bãi biển.
3. Bơi lội “swimming”
Okay, Traveling to the beach and you definitely will swim a lot especially when you book a hotel with a swimming pool, right? And don’t forget to practice this word, Bơi lội.
In a sentence,
Bơi lội là một môn thể thao tốt cho sức khoẻ. “Swimming is a sport which is very good for your health.”
Bơi lội là một môn thể thao tốt cho sức khoẻ.
4. Mặt trời “sun”
Mặt trời “The sun”
So I really enjoy seeing the sunset and also the sunrise every time I go to the beach. So every time I book a hotel or a place to see, I prefer having a window with sea view or sky view so I can see it every day and don’t forget. In Vietnamese, Mặt trời is “sun” but bầu trời is “sky”. So in a sentence,
Mặt trời mọc ở phía Đông. “The sun rises from the east.”
Mặt trời mọc ở phía Đông.
Bầu trời hôm nay đẹp quá. “The sky today is so nice.”
Bầu trời hôm nay đẹp quá.
Mặt trời and Bầu trời.
5. Cây cọ “palm tree”
Palm tree is like a symbol of the beach, and you will not see easily in the city but absolutely see a lot on the beach. So in a sentence, you can say,
cọ, you can remove the word cây. For example,
Biệt thự này trồng rất nhiều cọ. “There are many palm trees in this villa.”
Biệt thự này trồng rất nhiều cọ.
Or you can say,
Tôi nhìn thấy rất nhiều cọ trên bãi biển. “I see a lot of palm trees on the beach.”
Tôi nhìn thấy rất nhiều cọ trên bãi biển.
6. Áo bơi “swimsuit”
Okay, not only the word áo bơi, but you can also use the word bikini for swimsuit in general. And in Vietnam, there are a lot of bikini and swimsuit that you can easily find and are very affordable and also very nice as well. So you can ask,
Em có mang áo bơi đi không?
“Do you bring your swimsuit?”
7. Đại dương “ocean”
Okay, in Vietnamese traditional word, Đại means “big” and dương means “sea”. So Đại dương is “big sea,” “ocean”. Do you remember the movie Cô Gái Đại Dương. Long, long time ago, it was very popular when I was very small and I really like that movie. So in a sentence, you can say,
Cô Gái Đại Dương là bộ phim yêu thích của tôi hồi nhỏ.
“The Ocean Girl is my favorite movie when I was very small.”
Cô Gái Đại Dương là bộ phim yêu thích của tôi hồi nhỏ.
Or you can say,
Đại dương thật bao la.
“The ocean is very large.”
Đại dương thật bao la.
8. Nhân viên cứu hộ “lifeguard”
Okay, lifeguard is very important when you are playing on a beach.
And we better know where they work or where they stand so you can easily come and ask for help, especially when you are in an emergency situation.
So in a sentence, you can say,
Anh có biết nhân viên cứu hộ đứng ở đâu không?
“Do you know where the lifeguard stands?”
Anh có biết nhân viên cứu hộ đứng ở đâu không?
Or you can say,
Nhân viên cứu hộ đang quan sát người bơi trên biển.
“The lifeguard is observing people who are swimming in the sea.”
Nhân viên cứu hộ đang quan sát người bơi trên biển.
9. Xe mô-tô nước “jet ski”
I really like driving jet ski. It’s scary but actually it’s so exciting and so much fun and you know, it’s very affordable in Vietnam, I think so, and compared with a lot of countries. I’ve tried and when you are driving jet ski, don’t forget to wear áo phao, “life vest,” áo phao. So,
Đừng quên mặc áo phao khi lái mô-tô nước.
“Don’t forget to wear a life vest when you are driving a jet ski.”
Đừng quên mặc áo phao khi lái mô-tô nước.
Or you can say,
Lái xe mô-tô nước rất vui.
“Driving a jet ski is so much fun.”
Lái xe mô-tô nước rất vui.
10. Khăn tắm biển “beach towel”
Okay, Khăn tắm biển is beach towel but actually in a sentence, you can remove the word biển and you can only use khăn tắm.
For example,
Tôi đã để quên khăn tắm biển ở trong khách sạn.
“I forgot my beach towel in the hotel.”
Tôi đã để quên khăn tắm biển ở trong khách sạn.
11. Ghế trên bãi biển “beach chair”
Okay, So Ghế trên bãi biển is beach chair but actually in a sentence, you can only use ghế for chair and bàn for a table. So you can ask,
Xin lỗi, ở đây còn ghế nào trống không?
“Excuse me, there is a chair available” or
Xin lỗi, ở đây còn bàn nào trống không?
“Excuse me, is there a table available?”
So Ghế trên bãi biển
Beach chair.
And Ghế is chair.
Bàn is table.
Bàn / ghế / ghế trên bãi biển
12. Lâu đài cát “sand castle”
Okay, lâu đài cát is “sand castle”; and actually lâu đài is “castle” and cát is “sand”. It’s different with English because in Vietnamese, we use the noun in front of the adjective or the characteristic of the word. So lâu đài cát in a sentence,
Mấy đứa trẻ đang xây lâu đài cát.
“Some kids are building a sand castle.”
Mấy đứa trẻ đang xây lâu đài cát.
13. Thùng ướp lạnh “cooler”
So if you are traveling by driving for a long way and you bring food and you bring drinks. So you better bring also the cooler to keep food and drink inside. So you can ask in a sentence.
Anh có mang thùng ướp lạnh không?
“Do you bring a cooler?”
Or you can ask,
Anh bỏ bia vào thùng ướp lạnh nhé!
“Can you put beers into the cooler?”
Anh bỏ bia vào thùng ướp lạnh nhé!
14. Thuỷ triều “tide”
Thuỷ triều
“The tide”
Thuỷ triều
The tide is high but I am holding on, I am gonna be your number one.
You know that song? I like it. And in a sentence,
Thủy triều hôm nay cao quá. Chúng ta không nên bơi.
“We shouldn’t swim today because the tide is very high.”
Thủy triều hôm nay cao quá. Chúng ta không nên bơi.
15 Màu rám nắng “tan”
So I know you get confused sometimes when you see the word with R sound but you don’t know how to pronounce. Actually to pronounce correctly is R sound but lately nobody pronounces like that. You can actually pronounce like /z/ sound, just like Z sound in English, it’s Okay, It’s totally fine. So when you say the word Màu rám nắng, you don’t have to pronounce Màu rám nắng but you can pronounce, Màu rám nắng.
So in a sentence,
Người nước ngoài thích du lịch Việt Nam để có làn da rám nắng.
“The foreigners like to travel to Vietnam to get a tan.”
Người nước ngoài thích du lịch Việt Nam để có làn da rám nắng.
16. Dép xỏ ngón “flip-flop”
Okay, Dép xỏ ngón is very convenient, very cheap, very light and easy to wear any time on the beach. So,
Dép xỏ ngón là vật dụng không thể thiếu khi đi biển.
“Flip-flops are something you can't forget when going to the beach.”
Dép xỏ ngón là vật dụng không thể thiếu khi đi biển.
17. Kem chống nắng “sunscreen”
Okay, So,
Em đã mang kem chống nắng chưa?
“Did you bring sunscreen?”
Or Đừng quên mang kem chống nắng!
“Don't forget to bring sunscreen.”
Đừng quên mang kem chống nắng!
Okay, So let’s check one more time.
Kính râm - check!
Kính bơi- check!
Dép xỏ ngón - check!
Kem chống nắng - check!
Okay, Let’s go.
18. Áo bơi “bikini”
So talking about bikini or swimsuit, you can use Áo bơi or bikini. But Áo bơi, you can use for one-piece and two-pieces but for bikini, you can use for two pieces, bikini. So you can use this sentence.
Chị mặc áo bơi bikini rất đẹp.
“You look great when wearing a bikini.”
Chị mặc áo bơi bikini rất đẹp.
When you want to give compliments for a woman a little bit older than you and you use word chị to talk about her. So chị is you but actually it’s for a woman older than you. So don’t forget.
Chị mặc áo bơi bikini rất đẹp.
“You look great when wearing a bikini.”
19. Lều “tent”
Okay, So booking a nice room for a trip is very good actually already but if you want to explore the nature or if you want to spend a whole night on the beach seeing the sky, why don’t you bring a tent? So,
Chúng tôi đã mang lều ra biển.
“We brought the tent to the beach.”
20. Cắm trại “to camp”
Camping on the beach is awesome. We can do barbecue. We can dream, we can party and nobody to stop us and,
Cắm trại trên bãi biển rất tuyệt vời.
“Camping on the beach is awesome.”
Or you can tell to your family,
Mọi người! Hè này chúng ta sẽ đi cắm trại.
Guys, we will go camping this summer.
Okay guys, we just had 20 things you will need for the beach and I hope you enjoyed it. Just share me your summer experience in Vietnam. Okay, Thank you so much for watching the video and see you next time!

