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Xin chào các bạn! Tôi là Lính. “Hello, everyone! This is Linh.” and welcome back to Vietnamese Top Words. As you know, it’s going to be Earth Day on April 22, that’s why today, we will talk about 10 ways to save the planet in Vietnamese. Let’s go!
1. tái chế “to recycle”
Well as you know, recycling is a process of converting waste materials into new materials or objects.
That's why - Chúng ta cần quan tâm hơn đến việc tái chế rác thải. “We need to pay more attention to waste recycling.”
2. tình nguyện viên “volunteer”
You know even now, we have so many chances to be a volunteer every summer vacation and during that time, you can introduce yourself to people as - Tôi là tình nguyện viên. “I am a volunteer.”
Cô ấy là tình nguyện viên. “She is a volunteer.”
You know what - Trở thành tình nguyện viên là cách tốt nhất để bạn rèn luyện các kỹ năng mềm. “Being a volunteer is a good way to practice your soft skills.”
Xin chào, tôi là Lính. Tôi là tình nguyện viên.
3. bảo vệ “to protect”
Okay, protecting is to keep something safe from harm or risk. But as you know, the more developed the society, the more polluted the environment.
That's why we should say - Chúng ta cần bảo vệ tài nguyên và môi trường. “We need to protect our resources and the environment.”
Even now, we have a slogan - Bảo vệ môi trường là trách nhiệm của mỗi người. “Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility.”
Chúng ta cần bảo vệ môi trường vì bảo vệ môi trường là trách nhiệm của mỗi người.
“We need to protect our resources and the environment because it’s everyone’s responsibility.”
4. tái sử dụng “to reuse”
Okay, reuse means using something again whether for its original purpose or to fulfill different function. Naturally, reusing old stuff is a very effective environmental protection solution and normally in Vietnam, we share to each other as - Có rất nhiều ý tưởng về cách tái sử dụng đồ cũ rất lý thú. “There are so many interesting ideas about reusing old stuff.”
If you are online, you can easily see some articles like - 10 cách để tái sử dung đó cụ đơn giản có thể bạn chưa biết. “10 simple ways to reuse used stuff you might not know.”
Let’s do it.
5. bảo tồn “to conserve”
If you ever heard it in Vietnam, we have Son Doong as the biggest and the most natural cave in the world and we’re now trying so hard to conserve Son Doong from tourist exploring.
That's why we say - Bảo tồn Sơn Đoòng là một chiến dịch đang được triển khai rộng rãi. “Conserving Son Doong is an implemented extensively campaign.”
You can use the word bảo tồn in another way like - Con người cần phải cùng nhau bảo tồn thiên nhiên. “Human beings need to conserve the nature together.”
Bảo tồn Sơn Đoòng là một chiến dịch đang được triển khai rộng rãi.
Con người cần phải cùng nhau bảo tồn thiên nhiên.
6. giảm rác thải “to reduce trash”
Okay, let's say unless you live a zero-waste lifestyle, there is always room for improvement when it comes to taking care of the planet isn't it? Little things such as switching to cloth bags instead of plastic one can make a big difference in your waste output.
So we can say in Vietnamese - Nhà nước đang cố gắng đưa ra biện pháp nhằm giảm rác thải. “The government is trying to work out ways to reduce waste.”
Mua sắm thông minh cũng là cách để giảm rác thải trong gia đình. “Smart shopping is also a way to reduce trash at home.”
7. quan tâm đến môi trường “to care for the environment”
I don't think I have to say too much about this because obviously we need to pay more attention to the environment.
Chúng ta cần quan tâm đến môi trường nhiều hơn. “We need to pay more attention to the environment.”
Also - Đưa trẻ đi du lịch là cách tốt để dạy chúng quan tâm đến môi trường hơn. “Taking kids out of the school to travel is a good way to teach them to care more for the environment.”
8. sử dụng sản phẩm thân thiện với môi trường “to use eco-friendly products”
Some people think that it requires a lot of time, effort and money to make a home eco-friendly and the truth is, there are a lot of eco products that you can start using right now which can help you to reduce waste.
So please tell your friends or your family - Hãy sử dụng sản phẩm thân thiện với môi trường! “Use eco-friendly products!”
Sử dụng sản phẩm thân thiện với môi trường là lựa chọn của mỗi gia đình hiện nay. “Using eco-friendly product is the choice of every family nowaday.”
9. phân loại rác thải “to sort the waste”
So waste sorting is a simple process. It requires neither a lot of time nor any special resources, but why we should do it? Because the management of our waste is a clean way of living that shows how much we respect the people close to us and waste-sorting decisions we make today will encourage our children to learn and influence the quality of life of future generation.
So that's why - Người dân nên học cách phân loại rác thải. “The citizens should learn how to sort waste.”
Phân loại rác thải là công việc hàng ngày đối với mỗi người dân Nhật Bản. “Waste sorting has become a daily routine for every Japanese.”
10. dùng ít túi nilon hơn “to use less plastic bags”
One of the simplest ways to decrease the amount of waste is to reuse eco bags while shopping. Instead of relying on the supermarket plastic bag, bring your own cloth bags to pick up your item and take them home.
Các cửa hàng nên dùng túi nilon ít hơn. “Shops should use fewer plastic bags.”
Dùng ít túi nilon là cách để bảo vệ môi trường. “Using less plastic bag is protecting the environment.”
Okay done, which is the 10 ways to save the planet in Vietnamese. I hope you enjoyed it and I really hope that not only Vietnamese, but also you will say it and do it in your language. If you have any questions or recommendation or a suggestion for the next video, please let me know with a comment below okay? Please like the video and subscribe to the channel or visit the website VietnamesePod101.com to learn more Vietnamese. I am Linh and thank you so much for watching the video and see you in the next video! Xin chào và hẹn gặp lại ở video tiếp theo.

