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Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to VietnamesePod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 3 - A Vietnamese Weather Forecast. Eric here.
Hoang Anh: I'm Hoang Anh.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use single and compound sentences in Vietnamese. The dialogue takes place on the television.
Hoang Anh: It's about the weather.
Eric: The news anchor will use formal language. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Phát thanh viên: Dự báo thời tiết ngày 19 tháng 11
Phát thanh viên: Miền bắc và thủ đô Hà Nội: Ngày không mưa. Trưa và chiều trời nắng, gió nhẹ.
Phát thanh viên: Nhiệt độ từ 25 đến 30 độ.
Phát thanh viên: Miền Trung- Nhiều mây, có mưa rào rải rác vài nơi
Phát thanh viên: Nhiệt độ từ 24 đến 31 độ.
Phát thanh viên: Miền Nam- Ngày nắng. Chiều tối và đêm có lúc có mưa rào và dông
Phát thanh viên: Nhiệt độ từ 26 đến 33 độ
Phát thanh viên: Tây Nguyên- Nắng 10 tiếng trong ngày nhưng nhiệt độ không vượt quá 31 độ.
Phát thanh viên: Sau đây là dự báo chi tiết nhiệt độ cho mỗi vùng vào ngày mai.
Phát thanh viên: Bản tin dự báo thời tiết ngày hôm nay đến đây là kết thúc. Xin chào và hẹn gặp lại!
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
News anchor: This is the weather forecast for November 19th.
News anchor: For the north of Vietnam and the capital, Hanoi, there will be no rain during the day. It will be sunny at noon and during the afternoon, with light wind.
News anchor: The temperature will range from 25 to 30 degrees celsius.
News anchor: In the center of Vietnam, it will be cloudy, with scattered showers in some areas.
News anchor: There will be temperatures ranging from 24 to 31 degrees celsius.
News anchor: In the south of Vietnam, it will be sunny during the day, sometimes with showers and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and at night.
News anchor: Temperatures will range from 26 to 33 degrees celsius.
News anchor: In the highlands it will be sunny for 10 hours a day but the temperature will not exceed 31 degrees celsius.
News anchor: Here is a detailed temperature forecast for each region tomorrow.
News anchor: This is the end of today's weather forecast. Goodbye, and see you again!
Eric: Hoang Anh, when is the rainy season in Vietnam?
Hoang Anh: It depends on the region. As you you know, Northern and Southern Vietnam have different climates, so there are also some differences in the rainy seasons of the two regions.
Eric: Ok, when is it in Northern Vietnam?
Hoang Anh: In the north, in Hanoi, it drizzles during the spring, so February and March, and there are a lot of showers during the summer, from May to September, and especially in July and August.
Eric: And in Southern Vietnam?
Hoang Anh: In the south, for example in Ho Chi Minh, there’s a rainy season from May to November and it rains almost every day. What’s more, rain in the north is often heavy and lasts a long time, which causes floods, while rain in the south is light and lasts just a short while.
Eric: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Hoang Anh: dự báo thời tiết [natural native speed]
Eric: weather forecast
Hoang Anh: dự báo thời tiết [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: dự báo thời tiết [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Hoang Anh: thủ đô [natural native speed]
Eric: capital
Hoang Anh: thủ đô [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: thủ đô [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Hoang Anh: có lúc [natural native speed]
Eric: sometimes, there are times
Hoang Anh: có lúc [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: có lúc [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Hoang Anh: gió nhẹ [natural native speed]
Eric: light wind
Hoang Anh: gió nhẹ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: gió nhẹ [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Hoang Anh: nhiều mây [natural native speed]
Eric: lots of cloud, cloudy
Hoang Anh: nhiều mây [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: nhiều mây [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Hoang Anh: mưa rào [natural native speed]
Eric: shower
Hoang Anh: mưa rào [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: mưa rào [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Hoang Anh: rải rác [natural native speed]
Eric: scattered, sparse
Hoang Anh: rải rác [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: rải rác [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Hoang Anh: dông [natural native speed]
Eric: thunderstorm
Hoang Anh: dông [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: dông [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Hoang Anh: vượt quá [natural native speed]
Eric: exceed
Hoang Anh: vượt quá[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: vượt quá [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Hoang Anh: chi tiết [natural native speed]
Eric: detail
Hoang Anh: chi tiết [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Hoang Anh: chi tiết [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Hoang Anh: có lúc
Eric: which means “sometimes” or “there are times.”
Hoang Anh: Có means “there is,” or “there are,” and lúc means “time”, “moment,” or “when.” Once more, có lúc
Eric: You can use this time phrase to emphasize an action or event that sometimes happens or may happen at a certain moment. Just put it at the beginning of the sentence.
Hoang Anh: có lúc is more often used to mean “there are times" than "sometimes.”
Eric: Hoang Anh, how can we talk about moments in the past?
Hoang Anh: You can say Đã có lúc, which means “there were times when.”
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Hoang Anh: Sure. For example, you can say.. Có lúc tôi chỉ muốn nằm nhà đọc sách và chẳng làm gì cả.
Eric: ...which means “Sometimes I only want to lie at home reading books and not do anything.” Okay, what's the next word?
Hoang Anh: rải rác
Eric: which means “scattered, sparse.”
Hoang Anh: Rải rác is an example of reduplication in Vietnamese.
Eric: You can use this word to describe a small and dispersed amount of something.
Hoang Anh: We mostly use rải rác to describe the state of rain, trees, houses, or buildings and the population. Rải rác is an adjective but is used more often as an adverb.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Hoang Anh: Sure....Các dân tộc thiểu số sống rải rác trên các vùng núi cao.
Eric: This means "A sparse number of ethnic minorities live in mountainous areas."Okay, what's the last word?
Hoang Anh: vượt quá
Eric: which is “exceed” in English.
Hoang Anh: vượt means “to pass” and quá means “over.” vượt quá
Eric: It’s a verb that means “to exceed” and it’s usually followed by a noun or noun phrase. You can use it to express something that goes beyond an allowed or acceptable amount.
Hoang Anh: Nouns that often come after vượt quá include... số lượng
Eric: “quantity”
Hoang Anh: giới hạn
Eric: “limit”
Hoang Anh: tốc độ
Eric: “speed”
Hoang Anh: sức chịu đựng
Eric: “stamina”
Hoang Anh: thời gian
Eric: “time”
Hoang Anh: and ngân sách
Eric: “budget”
Hoang Anh: Sometimes we remove vượt and use only quá which means “over,” or “beyond something.” We also use vượt quá as an adverb with the meaning of “over” but only when there is another verb before it.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Hoang Anh: Sure. For example, you can say.. Hành động của cậu đã vượt quá sức chịu đựng của tôi.
Eric: .. which means “Your actions have gone beyond what I can stand.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use single and compound sentences in Vietnamese. A single sentence in Vietnamese has the same structure as in English. It has the most basic elements that make it a sentence – a subject, a verb, and an object. For example...
Hoang Anh: Trời nắng
Eric: “It’s sunny.”
Hoang Anh: Tôi ăn cơm
Eric: “I eat rice.”
Hoang Anh: Cô ấy đang đi chơi
Eric: “She is going out.” A compound sentence in Vietnamese has at least two clauses connected to one another by a conjunction, a comma, or a semicolon. Based on the relationship between the clauses, compound sentences in Vietnamese are divided into two types.
Hoang Anh: The first type is called Câu ghép đẳng lập
Eric: or in English “equal compound sentences.” These consist of at least two independent clauses, each of which can stand alone as a complete single sentence.
Hoang Anh: These clauses are often connected by the words và or còn, which means “and,” or simply by a comma.
Eric: Can you give us some examples, please?
Hoang Anh: Sure. For example..Ngày không mưa, trưa và chiều trời nắng, gió nhẹ.
Eric: which means “There will be no rain during the day; it will be sunny with light winds at noon and in the afternoon.”
Hoang Anh: Tôi là bác sĩ còn anh ấy là giáo viên.
Eric: “I’m a doctor and he is a teacher.”
Hoang Anh: Cô ấy bỏ đi và anh ta đứng im không nói gì.
Eric: “She went away and he stood still without saying a word.” Ok! What's the second type of compound sentence?
Hoang Anh: The second type is called Câu ghép chính phụ, or in English “main-sub compound sentences.”
Eric: This type of sentence is made up of two clauses which are related to each other and are often connected by a fixed pair of conjunctions. The relation between these two clauses can be “cause - effect,” “condition - result,” contrast, or purpose. In a sense, this type of sentence is quite similar to complex sentences in English.
Hoang Anh: For example...Nắng 10 tiếng trong ngày nhưng nhiệt độ không vượt quá 31 độ
Eric: Meaning “It will be sunny for 10 hours during the day but the temperature will not exceed 31 degrees celsius.”
Hoang Anh: Vì trời nắng nên tôi đi chơi.
Eric: “I’m going out because it is sunny.”
Hoang Anh: Nếu anh không nói ra sự thật thì tôi không thể tin anh được.
Eric: “If you don’t tell the truth, I can’t believe you.”


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Hoang Anh: Tạm biệt.

